Got Questions?

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  • At Quiet Nonsense, we keep things simple and fair. Our team, a bunch of folks who put family first and cherish the freedom their skills bring, values time as much as freedom. That's why we charge an hourly rate for all our services, with no surprises.

    For projects exceeding 40 hours per month, we add a small project management fee. It's our way of ensuring everything runs smoothly, so you can focus on what matters most.

  • Just a heads-up: we're all about the big adventures here, so we only hop on board for projects that clock in at 10 hours or more. That includes one-time gigs and those awesome monthly projects that keep the magic alive.

    Now, for our monthly pals, we like to keep things cozy with a minimum 6-month commitment. Why, you ask? Well, crafting a killer marketing strategy takes time and consistency, like nurturing a bonsai tree or perfecting your grandma's secret cookie recipe. And let's be real, who wouldn't want to stick with a crew that feels like family for a year or two (or, dare we say, forever)?

  • Ah, you're curious, we love that! At Quiet Nonsense, we’re like a tight-knit squad, chatting it up daily during the week and giving our families some TLC on the weekends. We celebrate the fact that each of us brings something special to the table, and we totally milk that for all it's worth.

    Now, when it comes to projects, it's a bit like a lucky dip. Sometimes you'll cozy up with just one of our team members, while other times you might get the whole gang! But fear not, our fearless leader Mica keeps her superhero cape handy, juggling everything from client pow-wows to project management and strategy sessions. She's basically everywhere, all at once!

  • But hey, we're not ones to turn down an adventure, especially if it involves snapping pics at your epic event or brainstorming strategies on-site. So, whether it's virtual vibes or jet-setting jaunts, count us in for some serious fun!